International Women’s Day (IWD) connects women from every background – amplifying their voices to demand change, exhale frustrations and celebrate triumphs. IWD and Women’s History Month offer a unique chance to honor the often unsung contributions of women throughout history, as well as reflect on how we must continue to uplift all women in today’s society.
This International Women’s Day, Herizon, Praytell’s women’s ERG, is celebrating the magic that is found in bonds between women across the globe. Whether it’s the way our mothers wove care and nourishment into every recipe we ate growing up, how our sisters keep us laughing with sideways glances or how our best friends find small ways to brighten our gloomiest days - we asked folks across the agency to share a little bit about their most sacred relationships with the women in their lives.

“I used to write about my mom every March as a kid with the typical sentiment of “my mom is the best”, without fully appreciating why. As an adult writing this, I say that statement now with much more fervor and appreciation. My mother is truly the gold standard for what it is to be a strong woman. I admire her craftiness, her hustle and innate ability to be a mother. She’s mastered the art of parenting gently with an iron fist. Not exactly a tiger mom but she had standards I had to hold up and I’m grateful for that. We often forget the other roles our mothers play in the world and in life, so this is an ode to all those other roles: a dependable sister, a doting grandmother, a loving wife, and a really good friend. I always say that if I ever have kids of my own one day, I’ll be lucky if I’m even half the mother my mom is.” - Kristle Navarro, Junior Account Strategist

“My older sister Christine Ani Hemelians. Yep, she has my name as her middle name. That’s how you know she’s the favorite in the family. Which I totally stand by: she’s the person I’ve looked up to my entire life. We were always close growing up — choreographing weird dance moves together to perform to our parents, breaking vases in the house and blaming her for all of it, having movie nights and so much more.
She’s helped me through every single coming of age moment throughout my life. From giving me advice on whiny boys in high school, to helping me with personal essays for college. She’s the most selfless, honest-yet-brutal, thoughtful and hilarious person in my life and I can’t live without her. I could write pages and pages about the women I'm surrounded by, from my mom who is an angel from above, my childhood best friends who are now my sisters, my co-workers who are the most badass and intelligent women I’ve ever met. Here’s to celebrating every single woman EVERY single damn day!!!!” - Ani Hemelians, Account Strategist

“My girlfriend Melanie and I have been dating for five years. Context is sweet and provides insight, so here is just a bit…Mel is a first year Doctoral student in a Clinical Psychology program and I have been working as an intern here at Praytell since September 2021. We began dating when we were 17 and now we are both turning 23. So of course, there’s been a LOT of learning through the years, but we’ve committed to uplifting one another’s experiences throughout. We have stayed invested in spending time together while balancing other priorities in our lives. We encourage one another to enjoy life beyond our relationship and fully immerse ourselves in experiences, even if the other is not present. Our relationship has developed through a spectacular emotional bond that has allowed us to both explore ourselves and the world around us. It is a foundational part of our lives which allows us to respect, love and communicate thoroughly and openly. I have so much gratitude for her existence in my life as my girlfriend and best friend.” - Kendall Palmer, Social & PR Intern

“Where to begin! To be honest, I can’t just talk about one amazing woman, so here is a glimpse of all the amazing women in my life. First, my Mom because she has always been and will continue to be my number one supporter. Then my two younger sisters, who are so confident in who they are, amazingly smart, and unabashed in sharing their opinions. I definitely strive to have their confidence. Next, my Nina. My Nina is that type of person who is so cool, I’m pretty sure folktales about her have been passed down. My high school best friends Jasmine and Mica who have helped me grow spiritually and mentally. Kara and Meghan who have been with me on my PR journey since college, and finally my creative partner Roxy (Johnny Gentleman) who has always supported my creative spark by challenging me to think outside the box. These powerful individuals are inspiring and who I strive to be like every day. I definitely have powerful people I look up to, but I’m also excited to meet more inspiring women!” - Zea Huizar, Junior Account Strategist

“What kind of woman sparks a strong, cherished bond? Someone who supports you, challenges you and helps you grow. Someone who makes you laugh. Someone who sees you and makes you feel seen. Someone who loves you unconditionally. And so, my most cherished female bond is not with a woman, but with … a 3.5 year old girl: my daughter, Clare. There’s something simultaneously incredible and scary about seeing yourself through your child’s eyes, and what I’ve realized is Clare exclusively sees the best parts of me. She is the ultimate hype girl, always cheering me on. She laughs at all my jokes (and also laughs when I’m not telling jokes), and thinks I give the best hugs.
No one makes me feel more seen — no filter, no frills, no ego, no pressure, just … me. It spurs me to see myself through Clare’s eyes: strong, silly, capable, loving, supportive, spontaneous, energetic, confident and fun — even when (especially when) I feel the opposite of all those things. I’m in awe of how Clare inspires me, and modeling her behavior has deepened my other relationships. Like her, I ask others about their day and am truly interested in the answer; I learn about others based on what they do and not just what they say; I have my moments, but trust that the people who care about me will lift me up (and give me a hug). Never change, my Clare Rosemary - the world, and I, are better because of you." - Stephanie Shambo, Vice President, Account Strategy

“While I could write a novel about all the incredible women in my life, I wanted to shout out a few that I’m lucky enough to call friends, family, and colleagues. My NYC gals (Abbie, Becca, Lindsey and Colleen) have made the post-grad move to New York better than I could’ve ever imagined. Since moving to the city, these girls have been my biggest cheerleaders day in and day out. Their friendships make this city feel more like home every day. My roommates Natalia and Suz have been consistent voices of reason in the midst of navigating a year of newness and life changes. There is no one else I’d rather share an apartment with. My sisters Joy and Caroline are the best built-in best friends I could ask for. Also, recent shoutout to Joy for being the best new Mom to the sweetest nephew in the game. I don’t know where I’d be without my Georgia girls (Madilyn, Sav, Lauren, Cassidy, Abigail and SK). Throughout college and beyond, these ladies encouraged me to chase my dreams, hyped me up before job interviews, helped me load all of my belongings into a UHAUL, showed up with ice cream post-wisdom teeth removal and have been the best visitors and apartment guests around. Last but certainly not least, my coworkers, the rockstar women of Praytell are the best colleagues a girl could ask for. These ladies have supported me professionally and personally from day one and I couldn’t be more appreciative." - Hallie Bauerband, Junior Account Strategist
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About Herizon: Herizon aims to unite the women of Praytell to empower each other, discuss women’s issues and advocate for intersectional equality within our industry and communities through collaboration, education, action, and mentorship.