We believe that your capability and strategic firepower isn’t determined by your postcode. There's wickedly smart and seriously resourceful folks living all over the country, and that’s why we’re looking for the best emerging creative and communications talent from outside Australia’s major cities.
Praytell’s Intownship program is everything you know and love about a regular internship—but custom-built for remote work and exceptional folks who can’t simply commute to [insert bustling creative suburb in your state here]. We’re on the hunt for up and coming PR superstars who want to gain valuable industry experience (the kind that is usually reserved for city-based peers) without having to leave home.
One lucky applicant will have the opportunity to work with Praytell’s global teams from Melbourne to New York City, Los Angeles, and London on (real) communications briefs and creative challenges for global clients—from their hometown—as part of the paid, six week placement. It even includes a week-long immersion to Praytell’s Melbourne office, including travel and accommodation from anywhere in Australia.
The program is designed for remote learning and development for people who have studied or are currently studying relevant (marketing, communications or PR) courses and it’s totally flexible based on your existing study and work commitments. In addition to a prorated two day per week salary over the six week period, you’ll also receive a $100 per month stipend to cover your wifi and phone.
We want to see your thinking in action. To be in with a shot to be this year's Intownship participant, share with us your idea for a PR or Advertising campaign for your home town (the more creative the better). It could be a stunt, campaign idea or big budget film release—we want to see how you think about getting ideas out into the world.
You can email your submission to intownships@praytellagency.com. Please include in your email a short recap on your education of career history to date, and why you think you’d be a great candidate for our inaugural Intownship.
In our first year, marketing student Germainne Garcia from Albany, Western Australia, took part in the program, calling it a “once in a lifetime experience”.