For the past few years, our Praytell Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) have been doing amazing work to create a safer, more inclusive workplace, and spark conversations around urgent change that needs to happen in our industry.
But we know that putting the burden of DEI progress fully on ERGs isn't fair, effective, or sustainable. Unfortunately, this approach is becoming increasingly common in our industry—especially as shrinking budgets lead to cuts for full-time DEI teams.
While we don't have all the answers, we are in the practice of speaking frequently and directly with our ERG leaders and members to learn what's working, what's not, and how we can better support their goals.
To share our learnings, Praytell SVP and Chief DEI Officer Naria Frazer took to PRWeek to reflect on the findings of our recent ERG survey, and offer her perspective and advice to peers within our industry.
Read the full article here.